Sedation Dentistry For Children In Fort Worth
There are many types of sedation dentistry for children“, but first you may want to know what exactly defines sedation. Sedation is when a dentist administers medication to your child so they are calm, but not sound asleep, for a dental procedure. Dental sedation medicine may last up to six hours. Your dentist may recommend the use of this mild sedative for long or multiple procedures, for children with high anxiety around dental care,” children who have difficulty sitting still or for kiddos with special needs. Remember that dental sedative medication does not control pain or discomfort. Once your child is under sedation”, the dentist will then give him or her an injection (or multiple injections) to numb the treatment area during and after the procedure. If your child has difficulty relaxing at the dentist, it may be due to a previously bad dental experience or just a general fear of doctors. In the event that your dentist needs to administer local anesthetic,” rest assured that your child will experience less anxiety and significantly less pain. Each of our Fort Worth pediatric dentists have extra training and are credentialed with the State of Texas to administer medications for enteral sedation. The dentists and staff at our clinics have extensive experience with children and adults and most of us have personally experienced what it’s like to have our child in the dental chair. We know it takes a gentle touch to give children a positive dental experience”,” thus we are well-trained in sedation dentistry as we strive to keep your child as calm and comfortable as possible. Our practice houses board certified dentists dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to our patients”,” so contact us today for the best dental care in Fort Worth!”